
Friday, July 06, 2007


Dari blog Unai aku coba2 yg lain:

You Are A Blue Girl

Relationships and feelings are the most important things to you.
You are empathetic and accepting - and good at avoiding conflict.
If someone close to you is in pain, it makes you hurt as well.
You try to heal the ones you love with your kind and open heart.
What Color Girl Are You?

You Are 58% Feminine, 42% Masculine

You are in touch with both your feminine and masculine sides.

You're sensitive at the right times, but you don't let your emotions overwhelm you.

You're not a eunuch, just the best of both genders.


unai said...

Uni nyoba yang lain juga yah..hihi sama tuh sama kamar birunya. Tar deh mo nyoba yang lain juga...

Anonymous said...

coba ini sekalian meiy


Vie said...

Meiy, aku cengeng nih, feminin 75%.
Not bad laaah!

Vie said...

Lupa Meiy, aku Green Girl. Yuhuuu...

Rich said...

Aku sih pinky boy... hehe...itu sih aming...

Hannie said...

horeee! baru mampir, akhirnya pake blogger.com juga! hihihi.

wah, aku mau tes juga ah, warnaku apa yah :p

Anonymous said...

he..he... aku 68% masculine neh jeng; kalo nymape 100% bahaya juga kali yee, bisa buta :)

just Endang said...

bisa jadi kesimpulan gimana hebatnya kau meiy...ya, meskipun iseng, deep down in your heart, that is true, right?